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The 'Association of Vehicle Adaptation Manufacturers’ (AVAM) is the trade association representing the Manufacturers of Vehicle Adaptations, supplying products in the UK to drivers and passengers with a disability.


The adaptation industry has gone from strength to strength over recent years with UK manufacturers now supplying over 50,000 adaptations per year to UK vehicle drivers and passengers.


AVAM focuses primarily on the improvement of the UK Adaptations Industry by working collaboratively and with a single unified voice.

Image by Steven HWG


AVAM educates people with disabilities about the benefits of independent mobility and provides information on how to find the most suitable solutions for their needs.


We make sure any new laws and standards that are relevant to our industry, will consider the best interests of the end-user.


We must work to maintain the highest levels of quality management and customer service in our industry


  • Improving Standards

All AVAM members are striving to improve the quality of adaptations supplied to UK drivers and passengers in a number of ways.


The technical committee has been diligently developing a new set of standards that all AVAM members will commit to.  This will result in the best possible safety, installation, and customer service standards we have ever experienced in the UK.


The improved technical standards combined with an increase in the support of the installer network has the opportunity to dramatically increase the end-users experience of both product quality and customer support.



  • Working Collaboratively

The opportunity to develop our knowledge and understanding of the ever more complex production vehicles is made much simple as AVAM members are able to work collaboratively, to overcome Industry-wide technical issues.


It is this collaboration that partly makes AVAM such an exciting development in the industry.



  • Unified Voice

By working collectively, AVAM members have a unified voice when addressing other larger stakeholders and OEM organisations within the industry.


This unified voice allows members to pool their resources and obtain a larger presence than would have been achieved individually.

Image by Matt Hardy
Car Dashboard


Comprised of the vast majority of adaptation manufacturers across the UK, AVAM works together to overcome industry-wide problems and drive the unified agenda for the adaptations industry as a whole. 


Collaborating on safety, training, standards and the continued difficulties associated with working on new technologies of OEM Manufacturers.


With many years’ experience of adaptations and no collective voice, AVAM was founded in 2019.

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